Correlational study between executive function and school performance
Executive functions, Planning, School performance, EvaluationAbstract
Executive functions are a set of cognitive and metacognitive processes that exert control and regulate behavior before context requirements. The study of executive functions is organized in skills that direct behavior as well as the planning skills. Planning consists of the ability to establish the best way to achieve a proposed goal, taking into consideration the route and use of essential tools for achieving a goal. The study aimed to investigate the relationship between the planning process and the academic performance of students of Elementary School. Participants were 142 students from public schools in Brazil, aged between eight and nine years old, of both sexes (79 boys, 55.6%). The instrument used was the test Torre de Londres (2012). The evaluation of school performance considered the concepts given by teachers to students in the eight disciplines of an academic quarter. For the analysis of the data, Pearson’s correlation and discussions were considered, and the survey of literature for discussions. The main results indicate that there was a positive and significant correlation between cognitive ability of planning and performance in the subjects Mathematics, Arts and Literature. Whereas the development of executive functions can relate to learning school subjects, we suggest that intentional interventions are carried out in schools for the development of cognitive skills and better school performance of students.Downloads
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