Constance Kamii and the teaching principles: autonomy, differentiation between knowledge and importance of content and processes


  • Bruna Sordi Rodrigues Souza Professora efetiva da rede municipal de Dourados/MS
  • Camila Fernanda da Silva Bandeira Professora da Educação Básica/Ensino Fundamental I
  • Érica De Cássia Gonçalves Professora de Educação Infantil na Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Guaxupé/MG.
  • Lilian Pacchioni Pereira de Sousa Docente do ensino superior no UniSalesiano –Araçatuba/SP e Fatec- Adamantina/SP. Docente do ensino superior e Coordenadora de Estágios, na UniFai - Adamantina/SP.



Constructivism, Pre school, Pedagogical practices


In her researches, Constance Kamii shows that principles of Jean Piaget's theory can be explored in the classroom, as long as the teacher shares the pedagogical and epistemological conception that aims at such principles. The environment and situations created by the teacher are determinant in the child's development, especially with regard to the principles based on autonomy, differentiation between physical, logical-mathematical and social knowledge and on the valorization of processes. Based on this understanding, the objective is to discuss the contributions of researcher Constance Kamii in working with children in the preschool period, mainly from the study of the work “Piaget for school education”. It is hoped that this article theoretically subsidizes reflections on the importance of planning a program based on Piagetian theory, especially in the development of activities with the little ones that generate cognitive imbalances and mobilize the structures of thought, using in their practice, with clear objectives, experiences and enhancing materials, challenging situations that prompt action.

Author Biographies

Bruna Sordi Rodrigues Souza, Professora efetiva da rede municipal de Dourados/MS

PhD student in Education/UNESP Marília; Master in Science and Mathematics Education from the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (2017). Specialist in Early Childhood and Early Years Education by the Institute of Advanced and Graduate Studies (2015). Graduated in Pedagogy from the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (2014). She is currently an effective professor in the municipal network of Dourados/MS and a collaborator at the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul.

Camila Fernanda da Silva Bandeira, Professora da Educação Básica/Ensino Fundamental I

PhD in Education (2022) by the Graduate Program in Education at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences of the São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", Marília campus. Master in Education (2017) also from PPGE-FFC-UNESP/Marília. During the Master's degree, he was a CNPq scholarship holder (February/2015 to March/2016). Graduated in Pedagogy (2013) from FFC-UNESP/Marília. BAAE Scholarship I - Scholarship for Academic Support and Extension I, in 2010 and 2011. From August/2012 to July/2013, he was a PIBIC/CNPq scholarship holder, developing research on learning difficulties, from the perspective of Piagetian theory and social knowledge . Between 2011 and 2013, he was a BAAE II scholarship holder - Scholarship for Academic Support and Extension II - PROEX, in the university extension project - "Pedagogical and Psychopedagogical Intervention: Contributions to Child Development", developed with the Center for Education Studies and Health - CEES of UNESP, campus of Marília, under the coordination of Dr. Eliane Giachetto Saravali. He participated in the GEDA - Study Group on Learning Difficulties and is currently part of the GEADEC - Study and Research Group on Learning and Development in the Constructivist Perspective, both from the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences of the São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", campus of Marília/SP. Since 2014, she has been working as a Basic Education teacher (Elementary School I). In 2017, she was a student of the Teacher Training Course (University Extension) PROEPRE: Theoretical Foundations and Pedagogical Practice for Elementary Education, at the State University of Campinas, UNICAMP. In 2018, he completed a teaching internship in the discipline "Developmental Psychology I", in the Pedagogy course at FFC-UNESP/Marília. In 2019, he taught classes in the subject "Psychology of Development II", in the Pedagogy course at FFC-UNESP/Marília. She has experience as a teacher/trainer in the Teacher Training Course (University Extension) PROEPRE: Theoretical Foundations and Pedagogical Practice for Early Childhood Education and, in the classroom, as a teacher and lecturer in the Pedagogy course.

Érica De Cássia Gonçalves, Professora de Educação Infantil na Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Guaxupé/MG.

PhD and Master's student in Education (2020) for the Postgraduate Program of the Paulista State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP - Marília/SP). He has a degree in Pedagogy from the University Center of the Guaxupé Educational Foundation (2009) and a Postgraduate "Lato-Sensu" in Institutional Psychology from the Faculdade Calafiori (2012). He is a member of GEADEC - Study and Research Group on Learning and Development from a Constructivist Perspective (CNPq - UNESP/Marília). He acts as coordinator of Basic Education in the Municipal Secretary of Education of Guaxupé/MG, responsible for advising, guiding and accompanying the permanent training of education specialists and teachers of the municipal network. She has experience in the educational area as a teacher in Early Childhood Education, the initial grades of Basic I and Higher Education and in acting as a pedagogical coordinator in Early Childhood Education and Basic I schools in the Municipality of Guaxupé. , which adopts the PROEPRE (Infant and Primary Education Program) as a work methodology, based on the constructivist theory of Jean Piaget. He develops studies and research mainly on the following topics: game; pedagogical intervention; cognitive structures; electronic and concrete games.

Lilian Pacchioni Pereira de Sousa, Docente do ensino superior no UniSalesiano –Araçatuba/SP e Fatec- Adamantina/SP. Docente do ensino superior e Coordenadora de Estágios, na UniFai - Adamantina/SP.

student in the Graduate Program in Education at Unesp - Marília /SP and student participating in GEADEC- Study and Research Group on Learning and Development in the Constructivist Perspective. Master in Education, Administration and Communication from Unimarco- São Paulo/SP. Degree in Social Communication from Faculdade Cásper Líbero - São Paulo/SP. Has market experience in Advertising Agencies in the area of ​​Campaign Planning. Professor of the Graduation in Social Communication -Publicity and Propaganda and of the Administration course at the University Center of Adamantina/SP - UNIFAI. Professor of the Graduation course in Technology in Commercial Management at Centro Paula Souza- FATEC- Adamantina/SP, where he also works in the Coordination of Institutional Communication. Lecturer at the Catholic University Center Auxilium UNISALESIANO - Araçatuba/SP, in the Graduation in Social Communication -Publicity and Propaganda.


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How to Cite

SOUZA, Bruna Sordi Rodrigues; BANDEIRA, Camila Fernanda da Silva; GONÇALVES, Érica De Cássia; SOUSA, Lilian Pacchioni Pereira de. Constance Kamii and the teaching principles: autonomy, differentiation between knowledge and importance of content and processes. Educação em Análise, Londrina, v. 7, n. 2, p. 342–359, 2022. DOI: 10.5433/1984-7939.2022v7n2p342. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.

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