About the Journal

Educação em Análise is a biannual online electronic journal in Open Access. It is a joint initiative of the Department of Education and the Graduate Program in Education of the State University of Londrina. It publishes, after a peer-review process, original scientific articles, essays and reviews on educational issues, in Portuguese, Spanish and English.


Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): Dossiê: Formação e atuação de professores na educação escolar
					View Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): Dossiê: Formação e atuação de professores na educação escolar
Published: 2024-06-21

Apresentação do Dossiê


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Educação em Análise is a biannual online electronic journal in Open Access. It is a joint initiative of the Department of Education and the Graduate Program in Education of the State University of Londrina. It publishes, after a peer-review process, original scientific articles, essays and reviews on educational issues, in Portuguese, Spanish and English.