The contributions of reading strategies to understand na illustraded book
Reader training, Reading strategies, Children's literature, Picture bookAbstract
Given the importance of reader training, we intend to present in this article a practical proposal for the use of reading strategies to understand the illustrated book A vaca que botou um ovo (CUTBILL; 2010). The activity reported is a clipping of doctoral research whose objective is to investigate the role of the other “reading mediators” in the formation of the literary reader and was developed for six students in the 5th year of elementary school at a municipal school in Porto Velho / RO in June 2019. The dialogue based on the philosophy of language (BAKHTIN, 2003; VOLOCHINOV, 2017) was the methodological choice for this class, whose objective is to present possibilities of pedagogical practices for the formation of the literary reader. The results demonstrate the importance of creating conditions for children to have access to the literary text as well as to develop the necessary behaviors for the act of reading, among which we highlight the use of reading strategies.Downloads
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