Object and Methods of Genetic Epistemology of Jean Piaget


  • Vicente Eduardo Ribeiro Marçal Função/ instituição em que atua /Área de atuação: Professor Adjunto no Departamento de Filosofia da Universidade Federal de Rondônia https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0471-4425




object, metod, Genetic epistemology


It is a translation of the Piagetian work. It does not present an abstract.


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Author Biography

Vicente Eduardo Ribeiro Marçal, Função/ instituição em que atua /Área de atuação: Professor Adjunto no Departamento de Filosofia da Universidade Federal de Rondônia

PhD in Social and Work Psychology from IP-USP - (Institute of Psychology, University of São Paulo). Master in Philosophy from FFC-UNESP (Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences of the Paulista State University/ Campus Marília). Specialist in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy: Ethical and Legal Aspects by UEL (State University of Londrina). Degree in Philosophy from UEL (State University of Londrina). Today he works as Adjunct Professor of the Department of Philosophy of UNIR - Federal University of Rondônia, where he is also Coordinator of GEPEGRA (Group of Studies and Research in Genetic Epistemology of the Amazon Region - CNPq). In addition, she has experience in Theory of Knowledge and Logic, Genetic Epistemology and Philosophy with an emphasis on Epistemology.


PIAGET, Jean. L’Introduction à l’épistémologie génétique. Paris: PUF, 1950.



How to Cite

MARÇAL, Vicente Eduardo Ribeiro. Object and Methods of Genetic Epistemology of Jean Piaget. Educação em Análise, Londrina, v. 7, n. 2, p. 249–296, 2022. DOI: 10.5433/1984-7939.2022v7n2p249. Disponível em: https://ojs.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/educanalise/article/view/47501. Acesso em: 16 feb. 2025.