Behavioral attitude of young people of the digital generation, facing the learning processes


  • Cristiane de Magalhães Porto Universidade Tiradentes
  • Leidiana Bezerra de Lima Universidade Tiradentes
  • Danielle Barbosa de Souza Almeida Universidade Tiradentes



Digital Culture, Teaching-Learning, Awareness, Digital Natives


The objective of this study is to understand the behavioral posture of today's youth in relation to the learning processes and to evaluate the teaching mechanisms in the face of the challenges arising from this new digital age. Its methodology was structured from a bibliographic review, with the qualitative research method, of an analytical and descriptive nature for the investigation of reality, through the discussions present in the articles selected for review. The research problem was: how can schools mediate the positive and negative aspects of the use of technologies and their impact on the acquisition of knowledge and mental health?  The results show the digital network as an open field, which offers physical protection when considering human distance, however, it becomes a virtual space propitious to offenses, prejudices, judgments, and criticism. The negative charge of this information can be severely harmful to young people, generating a strong reaction in their mental health, at the same time that the benefits of the use of technology are countless, being of utmost importance to consider that there are advantages and risks to be evaluated. We conclude that it is essential to offer young people a good education to stabilize ethical postures based on awareness and the development of knowledge that contributes to the current scenario.

Author Biographies

Cristiane de Magalhães Porto, Universidade Tiradentes

Multidisciplinary PhD in Culture and Society - UFBA. Master in Letters and Linguistics - UFBA. Post-Doctorate in Education - Proped - UERJ. She is currently a researcher at the Institute of Technology and Research - SE. She is a full professor at Tiradentes University - UNIT, where she teaches in the Postgraduate Program, acts as scientific editor of this Institution. She is dedicated to the study of Cyberculture, dissemination and dissemination of science in online and printed support. Since 2013 she has been director of Editora Universitária Tiradentes - SE. She was Director of Abeu Northeast Regional from June 2020 to June 2021. She has worked mainly on the following topics: Scientific Dissemination, Cyberculture, Education and Communication, Culture and Memory, Scientific Edition and Production.

Leidiana Bezerra de Lima, Universidade Tiradentes

Master's student in Education at Tiradentes University (UNIT). Graduated in Pedagogy, from the Amadeus Higher Education Society - SESA (2013); postgraduate degree in People Management and Educational Psychology, from the Amadeus Higher Education Society - SESA (2015); postgraduate degree in School Management and Pedagogical Coordination, from the Amadeus Higher Education Society - SESA (2020). She is currently director of Colégio Nossa Senhora da Piedade.

Danielle Barbosa de Souza Almeida, Universidade Tiradentes

Graduated in English Letters, specialist in Portuguese Language and Literature Teaching and Master in Letters from UFS, she is currently a teacher at the Humanities and Social Sciences Coordination of the Federal Institute of Sergipe and a PhD student in Education at UNIT. She has experience in the area of Letters, with emphasis on Modern Foreign Language.


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How to Cite

PORTO, Cristiane de Magalhães; LIMA, Leidiana Bezerra de; ALMEIDA, Danielle Barbosa de Souza. Behavioral attitude of young people of the digital generation, facing the learning processes. Educação em Análise, Londrina, v. 8, n. 1, p. 268–287, 2023. DOI: 10.5433/1984-7939.2023v8n1p268. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.

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