Enunciative scenes in social networks: argumentative directions and implications for teaching
Argumentation, Comments, Enunciative movementsAbstract
This paper aims to demonstrate the results of the enunciative analysis about the event National Program of Civic-Military Schools highlighted in the social network Facebook. Our approach points to arguments that corroborate (or not) fundamentals, values and actions defended in a vision in which enunciative movements, present in social networks, are highlighted, arising from: (i) disclosure of the National Program of Civic-Military Schools in which the installation of 216 new schools by 2023 is reported and(m) its repercussions; (ii) the comments to the post on the Facebook fanpage. Thus, the arguments and the way the school institution and enunciative choices such as discipline, order, quality and hierarchy guide the post and project meanings from the theme are taken. It was noticed the importance of addressing the discourses that permeate the current school and how readers need to manifest themselves with favorable and contrary arguments built from the post comments, indicating the values of a school and the ideal education (or not), according to the debate instaured on the subject, guiding possible actions for teachers before this debate.Downloads
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