Integrated high school in rural areas: the experience of the integrated state Centers of Rural Education of Espírito Santo (CEIERs)
Integrated secondary education, Integrated professional education for secondary education, Rural educationAbstract
This text aims to present results of the analysis on the integration of Vocational Education and High School in the experience of Integrated State Centers for Rural Education (CEIERs). The guiding line of the research is based on the premise that the conception that guides this integration is coherent with a project of social development that denies the immediate relation of education with the labor market, having the full human formation as a horizon, but it recognizes the professionalization as a necessary mediation for the working class to produce its existence through its work in a dignified manner. The empirical study was carried out by analyzing the political and pedagogical projects of three CEIERs located in Espírito Santo northwest cities – Águia Branca (CEIER/AB), Boa Esperança (CEIER/BE) e Vila Pavão (CEIER/VP) – articulated to the interviews with directors, teachers and students of these schools. With this text, we intend demonstrate the relationship between the concept of Integrated Higher Education and the Rural Education, because we can verify that, in confronting contradictions imposed by the hegemony of capital, these schools have developed a political-pedagogical proposal guided by principles of such a conception through an experience of the integration between Professional Education and High School in the Rural EducationDownloads
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