Early childhood education and the transmission of culture as the primary function: contributions of the Historical-Cultural Theory to pedagogical practice
Teoria Histórico-Cultural, Desenvolvimento humano, Função Social da escola, Prática pedagógica na Educação InfantilAbstract
This theoretical paper aims to present the main concepts of historical-cultural theory, taking this theory as a source of contribution to the pedagogical practice of early childhood education teachers. Through a bibliographical review, the text is based on the study of research by Vygotski (1995; 2001), authors from the Vygotskian school (Elkonin, 1996; Leontiev, 2004), and current researchers aligned with this school (Tuleski, 2008; Duarte, 2021). Despite the growth of studies and scientific production on historical-cultural theory and its pedagogical implications in Brazil, gaps, doubts, and mistakes persist in the “didactic transposition” to the dayly early childhood education. The historical context of Vygotskian production and its political connections result in a theory that aims to contribute to human development by defending the transmission of accumulated human culture to new generations. School education acquires a central role in contemporary society, aiming to achieve this objective. This essay provides theoretical elements that can contribute to the construction of political-pedagogical projects in early childhood education referenced in historical-cultural theory.
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