Pedagogical work with children's literature: possibilities of study and individual and collective actions
Teoria Histórico-Cultural; Educação infantil; Literatura infantil; Formação de professores.Abstract
The article objective to discuss Children's Literature in its triple function of strategy, content and didactic-pedagogical resource, as proposed by Chaves (2011). The research was guided by the following question: How is it possible to carry out humanizing pedagogical practices with the exponents of Children's Literature conceived as history, music and poetry? It was based on the principles of the Science of History expressed in the foundations of the Cultural-Historical Theory. A bibliographic study was carried out with a breakdown in Teacher Training, organized within the scope of the Research and Studies Group on Inclusive Early Childhood Education – GEEII, carried out in the state of Rondônia, in two municipalities, namely: Monte Negro and Itapuã do Oeste, in 2018, under the coordination of Professor Marta Chaves, from the State University of Maringá – UEM. As a result of the studies and experiences, it was found that there are rich possibilities of approaching Children's Literature as an instrumentalization of the teaching work in order to promote the maximum development of children and students.
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