The democratic experience in the educational process: a possibility of a philosophical approach
Democracy, Education, PhilosophyAbstract
This article aims to contribute to the scope of study of philosophy of education, specifically with work on the relationships between the theme’s 'democracy' and 'education'. The choice for the theme: 'the democratic experience in the educational process', is based on the importance it has gained in our society especially since redemocratization, as well as its constant need for review and recontextualization, so that it can maintain its vitality and effectiveness. To this end, we will not only carry out a reflective analysis of education as it can be seen and experienced in the national context, with all the conflicts and contradictions that are present in it today, but we will also count on the company of important philosophers of education, two of them Brazilians: Fernando de Azevedo and Anísio Teixeira; and two other foreigners: John Dewey and Matthew Lipman. Since philosophical reflection does not provide easy and ready answers, but puts us in a challenging position to overcome ourselves and our historical reality, the notes we present here tend to be a further step on this path of improving education and philosophy of education on Brazilian soil. As is typical of the concept’s 'education' and 'democracy', and the treatment given to them by our fellow philosophers, we will maintain important interfaces with debates in the fields of politics, ethics, technology, inclusion and inequality.
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Copyright (c) 2024 João Rodrigues, Anderson Luiz Ferreira, Cleia Vitoria Marques Movio , Flávio Honorio da Silva, Jarson da Silva
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