The concept of training in the philosophy of Hegel, Kant and Dewey
Training; Teaching philosophy; Thought; Hegel; Kant; Dewey.Abstract
This work seeks to understand the concept of training as a central theme in the philosophy of education. The question that surrounds the proposed analysis is: On what basis can training be conceptualized? The problem posed delimits the following objective of this study: to analyze the concept of training from the philosophical perspective of Hegel, Kant and Dewey to understand its relationship with education. The research methodology has a bibliographic character and consists of analyzing the concept of formation in the thought of Hegel, Kant and Dewey. As a result, the research problematizes the conception of the formation of the human being as a subsidiary of the content of philosophy from Hegel's perspective, similar to travel and knowledge. It also asks human formation how to philosophize without the finished philosophical content, as an exodus from tutoring. It presents Dewey's alternative, which points out the conflicting and problematic dimension in the contingency of the situation as an engine that moves thought and that moves life and which this author thematizes in the concept of experience based on the principle of continuity and interaction, reconstruction and growth. Philosophizing is immersing yourself in experience, being immersed in its historical, social and cultural materiality and immateriality. Training acquires the meaning of educational and democratic training.
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