John Dewey´S thought, work and legacy: from his philosophical pedagogical bases to problem based learning
Dewey, Active school, New Progressive School, PBL, Experiential learningAbstract
The North American thinker and philosopher John Dewey, one of the main New School theorists, gives special relevance to Pedagogy as a philosophical task, considering it key to fix the Philosophy lag in relation to the modern world and (re) think it based on its usefulness for life. Considering experience as the key concept of his philosophical system, Dewey rejects all types of dualism and highlights the importance of science as improvement, and the last stage of knowledge. This study explores Dewey´s main concepts and the contributions of other authors who have debated his work and/or have been influenced by his writingst. Besides, we focus on the existing connections between the legacy of the educator through his experience in the so-called ‘School-Laboratory’ and derived pedagogical: experiential learning and Problem Based Learning (PBL). In both cases, these theoretical framework promote critical thinking and the students´ interests, by adapting to their most direct knowledge and incorporating the scientific method. This conception goes beyond the figure of the omniscient teacher, replacing his former authoritarian role for that of an educational guide that deliberately regulates the environment.
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