The sanctification of feminine in relation the education in the Cariri
Education, Gender, SanctityAbstract
We deal with the social representations having as it cuts the Gender in face of the educational perspective. We focus in particular the relation between the constitution of the educational settings and the elaboration of discursive practices around the widespread Gender function in Modernity. The discussion reflects on the paths historically constructed for the constitution of women's representations, having as object of analysis the educational dynamics intertwined with the phenomenon of popular sanctification of women in the Cariri region of Ceará. In the first section we present the current violence against women in that territory. Then we emphasize the educational aspects that make up the history of Caririense Education concatenated with the religiosity of that place. Finally, we consider the relationship between the educational models propagated in modernity and located in that territory, gender violence and practices that focus on the sanctification of the feminine in contemporary times. Historically the territory elaborates a cult to the women assassinated for husbands, constructing with the violence of feminine a Metaphysical relation.
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