Reading practices in different school environments
School environment organization, Reading development, ConceptionAbstract
This paper presents the fragment of a qualitative research that had as methodological parameters the ethnographic case study approach. The research was conducted in a municipal school in Uberlândia-MG. The objective was to investigate whether the teacher’s conception of reading in a 2nd year class of elementary school influenced the way they used the school environments and its resources for the training of students-readers. Data collection and material was accomplished through observations and interviews with a teacher responsible for the class, two teachers of the course Literature and Music, two laboratory technicians and a teacher who worked in the school library. Classroom, computer lab, library and a kiosk were the environments chosen. Data analysis is based on the concepts on reading presented by Kleiman, Smith, Foucambert and Silva. At the end of the survey we noticed that the teaching action is always guided by a theoretical concept, but the teachers are not aware of it.Downloads
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