Between the tale and the singing

: the dialogues among theme and memory in oral narratives and chanted narratives of the urban masters of the amazon carimbó


  • Natasha de Queiroz Almeida UFPA
  • Maria do Perpétuo Socorro Galvão Simões UFPA



Tema; Memória; Narrativas orais.


This article analyzes the interrelations between the theme and the memories that are in the oral narratives sung by the urban masters of Carimbó, and chanted narratives in the municipality of Belém do Pará and cataloged in the collection IFNOPAP - The imaginary of the popular oral narrative forms of the Paraense Amazon. Understanding the theme as a set of purposes that are related in the narrative web for the construction and transmission of a content, memory pervades and aligns the texture of the narrative, giving meaning to values, strengthening and transmitting knowledge. After all, which memories underlie the chanted narratives today by the urban individual and /or in the urban environment? How do social and individual memories express in chanted and oral narratives? The oral narratives spoken selected for this article were pre-selected from the database collection and the chanted narratives were cataloged in field researched in the city of Belém, based on interviews with three (3) urban masters of Carimbó, realizing as much as possible the intense relationship of their experiences with the Carimbó’s rhythm. From then on this investigation, dialogues were established with oral narratives, whose themes and memories now persist, or intersected by the narratology remake.


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Author Biographies

Natasha de Queiroz Almeida, UFPA

Doctor````'s student in UFPA

Maria do Perpétuo Socorro Galvão Simões, UFPA

Professor in UFPA


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Narrativa retirada do banco de dados do acervo IFNOPAP. Código de localização: A05CZma310594-VIII.



How to Cite

Almeida, N. de Q., & Simões, M. do P. S. G. (2022). Between the tale and the singing: : the dialogues among theme and memory in oral narratives and chanted narratives of the urban masters of the amazon carimbó. Boitatá, 17(33), 56–69.



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