Effect of non-protein nitrogen supplementation and maturation time in the physicochemical quality of Longissimus dorsi muscle of grazing cattle
Meat color, Pasture, Tenderness, Urea.Abstract
This study accessed the effect of non-protein nitrogen (NPN) levels in concentrates fed to grazing beef cattle (½ Angus + ½ Nellore) on physicochemical traits of meat subjected to different maturation times. A total of 108 steaks of the Longissimus dorsi muscle from 36 entire animals (approximately 20 months old and 400.33 ± 40.87 kg BW) were used in a completely randomized design with a factorial arrangement, with twelve treatments formed by the combination of four pre-slaughter diets and three meat maturation times (one steak per experimental unit totaling nine replications). A diet with no supplementation was used as the negative control, and the other three experimental diets contained pasture plus concentrated supplementation (low, medium, and high NPN). No interaction (p > 0.05) between diet and maturation times (MT) was observed for luminosity, red to green component, yellow to blue component, pH, and shear force in the meat. Regardless of the MT, unsupplemented animals showed lower (p < 0.05) cooking loss (5.92%) and harder meats (3.32 kgf cm-3) than those fed the medium NPN concentrate (2.62 kgf cm-3). Animals fed the diet with low NPN had meats with greater (p < 0.05) red pigmentation, as well as lighter post-cooking steaks (p < 0.05) than those fed no concentrate and the medium NPN concentrate. Regardless of the NPN level classes, up to nine days of maturation effectively increases the tenderness of cattle steaks. Crossbred cattle (½ Angus + ½ Nellore) fed diets with low or medium non-protein nitrogen supplementation have steaks with better red to green component and tenderness, respectively.
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