To feed the World: genetically modified food, (in) safe diet and the risks to human health and the environment
Transgenics, Food security, Biotechnology, EpistemologyAbstract
This article intends to discuss briefly the safe diet in view of the use of the so called “Transgenic Technologies” which have marked the New Green Revolution (the 2o. GR) since the 1990´s. The debate revolves around an epistemological criticism of the paradigms which project ideals of productivity, domination and free use of the environment in the relation between man and nature (highlighted here because of its food production). The emergent benefits of such practices in the economical and political discourses contrast with the evidence of danger to human health, which are based on scientific experiments: more than a humanitarian movement of “fighting hunger”, the current policies of safe diet have been presented as a practical result on how tributary reality of paradigms which are based on other forms of (proto)capitalism of the past, such as the colonialism/imperialism, is seen. In order to understand this phenomenon in a broad sense, an epistemological criticism is imperative.Downloads
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