Cultured norm, standard norm and linguistic variety in curricular mediators produced from the São Paulo Curriculum
curriculum presented to the teacher, linguistic variety, portuguese language teachingAbstract
This article aims to reflect on how the São Paulo Curriculum (São Paulo, 2019), in response to the National Common Curriculum Base (Brazil, 2019), addresses the dimension of linguistic variation, in the axis of linguistic and semiotic analysis. For this, the analytical cut involves a learning situation of the first volume of didactic material entitled Curriculum in Action, for the ninth year of elementary school final years, produced by the Department of Education of the State of San Paulo. The analysis is done through Bakhtinian studies, through the collation of texts, expressed by Geraldi (2012), whose path consists in the recovery of part of the link in the chain of communication, with the intention of putting a text in dialogue with others so that one can raise some senses produced between them. The data indicate the superficiality in the treatment of the subject, in order to maintain the culture of error as intrinsic to the perspective of understanding the varieties.
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