General nouns in the writing of Minas Gerais: an analysis of letters to Santa Claus
General nouns, Letters, Portuguese languageAbstract
This paper analyses the behavior of the general nouns in a corpus composed by letters sent to Santa Claus and contrasts these written language data with previous results from spoken language data. The analysis is based on semantic and sociolinguistic studies about the general nouns and also takes into account the properties of the letters as a textual genre. It is observed quantitative aspects, especially related to the frequency and the relation of those nouns with some indefinite pronouns. By analysing the oral features, as a main result, it is verified that the sender worries about his/her lexical choices and moves away a little from the oral text regarding the use of the general nouns. Considering the age range of the informers, it is observed that children and young people have a slight preference for using uma pessoa (a person) in opposition to the indefinite pronoun alguém (someone).Downloads
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