Kamii and physical knowledge – the importance of action for th discoveries of the world


  • Rosângela Cristina SESI/Ensino Médio
  • Edneia Felix de Matos Prefeitura Municipal de Marília; Área de atuação: Educação infantil
  • Ivana Aparecida de Araújo Professora polivalente/ Colégio Americana/ Fundamental I https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7525-7263
  • Marcela Cristina de Professora de Educação Infantil na Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Guaxupé/MG. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5358-2089




physical knowledge, constructivism, child education


The construction of physical knowledge is a relevant factor when we discuss the possibilities of forming critically autonomous subjects who, through investigative thinking, seek to solve various situations. Piaget (1896-1980), researching human development, attributed its construction to the relationship established between the subject and the objects of knowledge, and highlighted physical, logical-mathematical and social knowledge. This study focuses on aspects related to physical knowledge and its importance for young children's discoveries of the world from the perspective of constructivist scholar Constance Kamii. The role of the teacher in this process is also highlighted, since the situations he proposes and their interventions can lead to imbalances necessary for child development, raising the processes of assimilation, accommodation and balance, responsible for the alterations and/or constructions of mental structures. It is hoped that such reflections can contribute to the understanding of the constructivist approach, and thus support the teacher's conception of the need to provide students with meaningful experiences, in which they can act, observe and reflect, thus developing the investigative thinking, which endows the child of the curiosity necessary for him to continue researching and learning.

Author Biographies

Rosângela Cristina, SESI/Ensino Médio

Graduated in Letters - Portuguese and English from the University of Sagrado Coração (USC) Bauru. Master in Education from the São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP) Marília. He participated in the Research Group on Literature at the University of Sagrado Coração, was part of PIBID/CAPES-Inglês and carried out research at PIVIC/USC. Taught children, teenagers and seniors. Worked as a producer and reviewer of educational texts. Currently, he teaches Portuguese Language and Textual Production Paths to high school students.



Edneia Felix de Matos, Prefeitura Municipal de Marília; Área de atuação: Educação infantil

Graduated in Pedagogy (Faip, 2015) Specialized in Institutional Psychopedagogy (Faculty Paulista, 2017), Specialized in Early Childhood Education (UEM, 2019) Master's Degree in Education (Unesp, 2021) Graduate Program in Education at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences from the São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", Marília SP campus. He has experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on Education, working mainly on the following topics: teaching and learning, early grades, teaching methods, racial prejudice and bullying, learning and human development

Ivana Aparecida de Araújo, Professora polivalente/ Colégio Americana/ Fundamental I

Master's student in Education at the Júlio de Mesquita Filho Paulista State University - UNESP - Campus de Marília/SP. Member of GEADEC (Group of Studies and Research in Learning and Development in Constructivist Perspective). Degree in Pedagogy from the Unifafibe University Center (2005). She is currently a teacher at Elementary School I - Colégio Americana. Experience in Education, with emphasis on Methods and Techniques of Teaching and Development and Learning. As a teacher, he has always worked in institutions with active pedagogical methodologies, which encourage students to be protagonists of their own learning and respect their development.

Marcela Cristina de, Professora de Educação Infantil na Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Guaxupé/MG.

Graduated in Pedagogy and History from the University Center of the Guaxupé Educational Foundation (2012; 2001); specialized in History of Brazil by the University of Franca, SP, and in School Management by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the South of Minas Gerais, Campus Muzambinho, MG. Master's student in "Psychology of Education: Educational Processes and Human Development", at Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus Marília, SP, where she is also a member of GEADEC - Study and Research Group on Learning and Development from a Constructivist Perspective. Participant as co-organizer of the Pedagogical Meeting on Inclusion and FLIG- Guaxupé Book Fair, both annual events held in Guaxupé MG. She works as a teacher of Early Childhood Education at the Secretary of Education of Guaxupé, MG. Interested in Child Development, Educational Psychology, Anthropology and Sociology of Childhood, Proepre, Children's Literature and Neurosciences.


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How to Cite

ROSÂNGELA CRISTINA; MATOS, Edneia Felix de; IVANA APARECIDA DE ARAÚJO; MARCELA CRISTINA DE. Kamii and physical knowledge – the importance of action for th discoveries of the world. Educação em Análise, Londrina, v. 7, n. 2, p. 386–407, 2022. DOI: 10.5433/1984-7939.2022v7n2p386. Disponível em: https://ojs.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/educanalise/article/view/47477. Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.

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