


Sexualidade, Deficiência, Crip, Educação


For this dossier, we especially welcome papers that explore the possibilities of articulation between LGBTI+ experiences and the experience of disability in education and/or training, proposing a reflection on the theoretical and practical transits that the creative theories and others with the same approach allow. We will also accept papers that reflect on the normatization and hierarchization of all kinds of bodies considered dissident, the so-called dissident corporalities in socio-educational spaces.
In this sense, we present the texts that make up this thematic dossier with that coadunate to reinforce the crip production, especially thought by a transvesti-PcD-migrant, which intensifies forms-register, archive production and register that highlight aspects of our time. The production of this dossier initially relied on the support of great partners and throughout the pandemic rise of COVID19, we were each day more pushed to overcome so many losses


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Author Biography

Sara Wagner York, Doutoranda em Educação pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)

Doctoral Student in Education at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)


CLARE, Eli. "Stolen bodies, reclaimed bodies: Disability and queerness." Public Culture 13.3. p. 359-365, 2001.

DAVIS, Lennard J. Enforcing Normalcy: disability, deafness, and the body. London; New York: Verso, 1995.

GONÇALVES Jr, Sara Wagner Pimenta. Corpos transgressores: Politicas de resistências. Campinas-SP. Pontes. 2018.

JESUS, Danie Marcelo de; MELO, Glenda Cristina Valin de;TCHALIAN, Vicente;GONÇALVES Jr, Sara Wagner Pimenta. Corpos transgressores: Politicas de resistências. Campinas-SP. Pontes. 2018.

MELLO, Anahi G.; GAVÉRIO, Marco Antonio. Facts of cripness to the Brazilian: dialogues with Avatar, the film. Anuário Antropológico, v. 44, n.1, p. 43-65, 2019.

MELLO, Anahi Guedes de. Politizar a deficiência, aleijar o queer: algumas notas sobre a produção da hashtag #ÉCapacitismoQuando no Facebook. Em PRATA, N.;. PESSOA, S. C (Ed.). Desilgualdades, gêneros e comunicação. São Paulo: Intercom, 2019. p. 125–142.

RUBIN, Gayle. Políticas do Sexo. São Paulo: Ubu Editora, 2017.

SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa. A Cruel Pedagogia do Vírus. Coimbra: Almedina, 2020.

VERGUEIRO, Viviane. Sou travestis: estudando a cisgeneridade como uma possibilidade decolonial. Brasília: Padê Editorial, 2018.



How to Cite

YORK, Sara Wagner. Presentation. Educação em Análise, Londrina, v. 6, n. 1, p. 3–8, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 mar. 2025.

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