Psycho-educational evaluation and psychoanalysis: winnicottian contributions in a possible intersection
Education, Winnicott, Psychological AssessmentAbstract
School difficulties are present in the school environment and, increasingly, are part of the routine of psychology school services, especially with regard to the demand for the psychological assessment process. This investigation aims to present a case study that involves psychological assessment resulting from a referral for suspected learning difficulties and to propose reflections based on Winnicottian psychoanalysis on emotional issues in childhood.. The case in question, of a nine-year-old child enrolled in public elementary education, reveals that school difficulties could not be explained entirely by cognitive aspects. Therefore, Winnicott's contributions show the need for a social bond established between family and school, in addition to a look at the emotional aspects present throughout the child's maturation. It is concluded, from the above, that the evaluation must consider the specificities inherent to each individual and make use of the theoretical framework of psychology, aligned with psychoeducational demands, seeking a differential diagnosis that helps in referrals consistent with the reality that presents itself.Downloads
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