The teachers' silenced voice in the formulation of the high school curricular document
Curricular document, Participation, TeachersAbstract
This article deals with the contribution of teachers in the public consultation process for the elaboration of the Curricular Document of the State of Roraima (DCRR), High School stage. This research aims to find out how the teachers contributed to the public consultation process, identify how they got to know the document and reflect on the self-assessment made by the teachers themselves about their participation in this action. Through bibliographic-documentary and field research, the teachers answered a questionnaire on the Google Forms platform. After this process, this research concludes that the public consultation took place in a superficial and light way, with reading, reflection, discussion and contribution happening at the same time. Therefore, participation did not take place in a concrete way, as the DCRR was not known and discussed in depth. Teachers are aware of the importance of the document as a guide for their pedagogical practices, since they recognize themselves at the forefront of the educational process, but point out that there was a legitimate pseudo-participation in the speed of the process and in the absence of the teacher's voice in the document, since it came to them designed and defined in contours that did not originate in the classroom’s daily life.Downloads
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