Uma ponte para o futuro: educational policies and public-private partnerships
Educational politics, Democratization of Education, Partnership educationAbstract
The text argues that neo-liberal and Third Way theses are not democratic, although they use the discourse of democracy to undertake their actions and gain social legitimacy. Although they present themselves as guardians of democracy, they are contrary to the initiatives of redistribution of wealth and the possibility of the working class’s access to economic and social goods, through public policies subsidized by a provider State. Thus, currently much of the social rights conquered historically are privatized and/or offered in a system of partnerships between the public and private sector. This strategy is used notably in education, undermining the constitutional principle of free teaching. Based on these assumptions, the text aims to (i) discuss the main neoliberal theses; (ii) explain the historical constitution of neoliberalism and Third Way in Brazil, and (iii) discuss its implications for educational policies in the current context, focusing on Temer’s government and its Program “Uma Ponte para o Futuro”. The study, carried out through bibliographical research and documentary analysis, concludes that the current measures of the federal government for public education contribute to its dismantling while at the same time favor the private business sector presented as a model to be followed in public education.Downloads
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