The construction of geometric mental relationships in a pattern block puzzle activity at age four


  • Christina Sales Universidade de Iowa do Norte



blocos de quebra-cabeça, Epistemologia Genética, microanálise, construtivista


Using constructivist scholar Constance Kamii’s perspective on autonomy, physical, social, and logico-Mathematical knowledge, this research investigates a curriculum method developed to engage young children in the construction of geometric knowledge. To study this method, I designed a seven-week pattern block puzzle intervention with four-year-old children in a constructivist classroom. All children were considered at-risk for school failure. The investigation is rooted in my unsatisfying experiences with pattern blocks in my preschool classrooms. Data were obtained from pre and posttests assessment administered to ascertain effects of the intervention on all children and from observations of children’s behavior as they engaged in the pattern block activity. Piaget’s (1936/1952), Piaget and Inhelder, 1948/1956) theory of knowledge and intelligence was the framework for detailed qualitative analysis of one exemplar’s progress during the intervention. Results of pre and posttests and microanalysis indicate children made significant progress in their construction of geometric knowledge. Children learned to match shapes with corresponding spaces and distinguish among and coordinate the sizes of angles and spaces. I describe using a series of detailed drawings, one exemplar’s actions during the activity. I conclude with suggestions for further research and educational implications.


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Biografia do Autor

Christina Sales, Universidade de Iowa do Norte

Bacharel em Desenvolvimento Infantil pela Iowa State University. Fundadora da Escola Freeburg, na  niversidade de Iowa do Norte.  Professora  assistente  da UNI. Pesquisadora construtivista que trouxe muitas contribuições à educação brasileira por veicular suas pesquisas apoiadas no referencial teórico piagetiano, em eventos no Brasil. Membro da Jean Piaget Society, Genebra-Suíça. Sem acesso ao ORCID e e-mail da pesquisadora.


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Como Citar

SALES, Christina. The construction of geometric mental relationships in a pattern block puzzle activity at age four . Educação em Análise, Londrina, v. 7, n. 2, p. 408–429, 2022. DOI: 10.5433/1984-7939.2022v7n2p408. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dez. 2024.