Shares between infant and philmic narratives educational experience
Filmic encounter, Children's narratives, Educational experience,Abstract
This article is part of a doctoral research in Education and Arts at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) and proposes to produce different streams of thoughts from three film meetings in which the child it is present. The problematizations raised from the crossing of children's narratives in the films “Los colores de las flores ”(2011),“ The Invention of Hugo Cabret ”(2011) and“ O Balão Branco ”(1995), enhanced the outline of other possibilities of acting, simulating different ways of being and designing singular ways of thinking at educational experience. Some questions were present in this path: what the film narratives of the children's characters impel to think? What approximations and strangeness did these narratives provoke? What dialogues were possible to be carried out between the children's narratives and the educational experience? Thus, seeking to meet the desires of this investigation, we opted for the narrative perspective, in order to produce the intertwining of the narratives and contributing for unusual fabrications to be invented. Some authors such as Deleuze (1976, 1990, 2006, 2010), Deleuze and Guattari (2008), Kohan (2004, 2007, 2009), Larrosa (2002, 2006) and Lins (2009) were invited to dialogue with the text, with the intention of problematizing and making movements children's narratives, potentiating them in such a way that other constructions of meaning started to be produced in relation to the educational experience.
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