Wheel, child and history: compositions of child authority
Children's authorship, Kid, Narrative production, Stories wheel,Abstract
This article seeks to discuss the concept of child authorship, taking as a reference a repertoire of oral narratives produced in the context of a research that involved storytelling circles with children between five and six years old, who studied in the first year of elementary school in a public school. THE objective was to know and understand the narrative production processes of children in the school space and, thus, to think on how to encourage them to tell stories in such an environment. Based mainly on the Bakhtinian theory, the dialogical relationship was addressed in the language established in the story wheel. An example of this are some narrative Productions oral statements that highlight the self and the other in the children's statements, which are understood here as links in the text with the world of life. It is also evident that the other's word served as a reference for the Productions children's oral presentations, which leads us to emphasize that the child, when telling a story in the circle, creates and recreates their oral productions to define them as their stories and thus establish their authorship.
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