Strawberry production and quality under different concentrations of bordeaux mixture, lime sulfur and the biofertilizer supermagro
Organic farming, Syrups and biofertilizers.Abstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the agronomic performance and physical-chemical changes of strawberry in organic cropping system according to the application of different concentrations of bordeaux mixture, lime sulfur and fertilizer supermagro. The first experiment was conducted in 2007, with cultivar Camarosa, with a 3 x 5 mixed factorial, been: the factor A constituted of Bordeaux mixture, lime sulfur and fertilizer supermagro; the factor B represented by concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0% and the control. In the second experiment, in 2008, the treatments were a 5 x 3 factorial design, been: the first factor represented by mixture (Bordeaux mixture at 1%; lime sulfur at 1%; biofertilizer supermagro 4%; alternating application of this mixtures at the same concentrations; and control); and the factor B by cultivars (Camarosa, Camino Real, and Albion). The bordeaux mixture, lime sulfur and fertilizer supermagro interferes positively in the number of fruits, average weight and yield of strawberry. Concentrations above 1.0% of Bordeaux mixture and lime sulfur cause staining of the fruit, limiting its use. The supermagro show no restriction being that the best agronomic responses were observed at higher concentrations tested. The application of Bordeaux mixture, lime sulfur and supermagro interfere with disease control with reduced severity of the stain micosferela in the cultivar Camarosa.
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