The living philology of A. Gramsci
Methodology, History of political thinking, Antonio Gramsci, Political theoryAbstract
Although he was not a methodologist, having criticized the formulation of a standard method, Antonio Gramsci proposed questions relevant to the study of political theory. It is possible to draw parallels between Gramsci’s formulations and the linguistic contextualism debate of the 1960s, enlivened by the contributions of Q. Skinner. I am referring to the approach of the relations between text and context, developed by contextualists as opposed to the textualistic school of analysis. In this article, I intend to argue that Gramsci can be approached from this tendency with regard to the historical approach of political texts and attention to philological study. However, it was with the formulation of the relationship between history and politics that Gramsci attempted to overcome the abstract and purely hermeneutic perspective of the study of texts, considering that every work of political thought is political and, in this key, must also understand the reception and use of texts in the different contexts in which it is read and interpreted. This leads him to explore the text considering the political disputes and conflicts in which he is mobilized, as well as allowing him to deal with individual works of creation and intellectuals as part of the hegemonic apparatus, capable of delineating or conforming to specific linguistic contexts and according to one pre-established “direction”.Downloads
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