Vol. 18 No. 1Supl. (2018): Dossiê: tecnologias digitais e práticas de ensino de línguas: materna e adicionais/estrangeiras

					View Vol. 18 No. 1Supl. (2018): Dossiê: tecnologias digitais e práticas de ensino de línguas: materna e adicionais/estrangeiras
Published: 2018-07-14


  • Poems in the podcast midia – a proposal for working with orality in portuguese classes as mother language

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  • Digital literacy and literature: literary knowledge in the digital world

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  • It's what's happening: a didactic proposal for the literacy development in foreign language to wards the tweet genre

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  • Reading and writing of digital texts: a multimedia approach of the genre meme

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  • The use of learning objects for teaching Spanish as a foreign language: analysis and didactic proposals

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  • WhatsApp as a tool in English teaching-learning

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  • Imagery reading of a short film: the use of new technologies in the English language teaching

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