Study of elements of persuasion in an advert of Casas Bahia


  • Larissa Crepaldi Trindade Universidade Estadual de Londrina



Advertising, Language, Text, Comunication


This paper examines the textual elements of a television advertisement of Casas Bahia. Considering that this is currently the largest retail advertiser of furniture and appliances in Brazil,it turn to be of social interest to analyze their way of communicate with their target. The main reason of this study is to verify the expressive resources of that language, from spoken language aspects and referencing that make interaction and persuasion with the reader guiding him to conviction and further to consumption. The television advertising speech has it way of production based on writing language and the execution based on spoken language.The interection and pesuasion wore verified based on the caracteristics of orality presented on the advertising movie that can be represented on the folowing ways: a) linguistics resources of spoken and written language - vocabulary, ways of speak, and traditional markers; b) audiovisual resources - images, audios and resources of expressivities; c) nonlinguistic - nonverbal activities of comunication that folow the behavior. The method of reserch was hypothetical-deductive based on the hypotesis that the language used for this advertiser generate and efect of atraction and persuation, mainly because it uses same caracteristics focused on its targe.


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Author Biography

Larissa Crepaldi Trindade, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

PhD student in Language Studies at the Universidade Estadual de Londrina


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How to Cite

TRINDADE, Larissa Crepaldi. Study of elements of persuasion in an advert of Casas Bahia. Entretextos, Londrina, v. 10, n. 1, p. 156–175, 2010. DOI: 10.5433/1519-5392.2010v10n1p156. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 nov. 2024.


