Difficulties for the inclusion of autist children in regular education of Guarapuava and region





Transtorno do espectro autista (TEA), Inclusão autista, Autismo na escola.


Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by disturbances in the development of the areas of communication, social interaction and behavior. The present study seeks to assess whether children with autism are being included in regular education with pedagogical approaches and curricular adaptations to optimize their development potential. This is a qualitative research (individual interviews) that sought to identify whether the inclusion of children is taking place and what difficulties were mentioned by parents or guardians. In all, 41 parents or legal guardians participated in the questionnaire and gave their assessments in an objective and discursive way about the inclusion of their children. The answers indicated that, in a general perspective, the school environment offers support for the development of the main areas affected by autism, but still with many deficiencies. The training of qualified professionals to work with the particularities of autistic people will enable the construction of knowledge for educational practices that favor the socio-cognitive development of students with autism spectrum disorder, as present in technical note No. 24 / 2013 / MEC / SECADI / DPEE. The results suggest that there are countless difficulties in including autistic children in regular education, including the lack of professional and school preparation and the late diagnosis of some children.

Author Biographies

Gabriel Kluppel Lima

Degree in Medicine - Campo Real University Center - Guarapuava/PR.

Silvia Mara de Souza Halick, Campo Real University Center

Graduated in Medicine at the Federal University of Paraná (1997), is a specialist in Pediatrics at the Federal University of Paraná (1999) and in Neuropediatrics also at UFPR (2001), Specialist in Preceptorship of Medical Residency in SUS (2016). Experience in university teaching for 5 years at Campo Real College and Preceptorship in the Medical Residency in Pediatrics at Angelina Caron Hospital in Campina Grande do Sul-Grande Curitiba. Master in Teaching in Health Sciences at Faculdades Pequeno Príncipe (2019). Member of the Collegiate and NDE of the Medicine course at the Campo Real University Center.


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How to Cite

LIMA, Gabriel Kluppel; HALICK, Silvia Mara de Souza. Difficulties for the inclusion of autist children in regular education of Guarapuava and region. Educação em Análise, Londrina, v. 8, n. 2, p. 379–397, 2023. DOI: 10.5433/1984-7939.2023v8n2p379. Disponível em: https://ojs.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/educanalise/article/view/44595. Acesso em: 25 jul. 2024.