Web Rádio Palafita: Which voices speak for the Dique da Vila Gilda in Santos – SP?





Oralidade mediática, Rádio comunitária, Educação


The main objective of the Community Information Network project of the PUC-SP Communication Telematics Mediation research group, which started in 2017, was to deploy Palafita web radio in Latin America's largest stilt favela, the Vila Gilda dam, located in Santos - SP, for the creation and production of free media content, alternative to those broadcast by local hegemonic media. The Dike is a peripheral area marked by the caiçara culture of the traditional inhabitants of the coast, formed from the miscegenation between Indians, whites and blacks and the immense amount of immigrants, mainly northeastern, who settled there after the construction of the Anchieta and Imigrantes highways. There are more than 6,000 families living in a visually unhealthy condition for the outside look, but when we get closer and come to live with the residents, we realize how different their opinion is about the same place. After three years of rapprochement and partnership with the Arte no Dique Institute and the Francisco Meira State School, just now, we researchers are really beginning to hear and understand the voices, grasping the codes and vocal poetics there. Gifts in the process of listening to their plurality of voices, it is interesting to note how the dominant voices of traffickers and political and religious leaders, especially pastors, implicitly influence behavior codes and how, from a consumption standpoint, residents, especially Young residents, use the same brands present in other territories of the city where the income range of residents is higher. Another point in relation to young people is that they understand TV, radio and outdoor as media, but mobile as technology, that is, there is a clear separation for them that starts from the criterion of what support they dominate. And it is from the clipping of the relationship between orality, mobile media support, territory and youth that this article (presentation) will develop. To understand the relationship of the vocal mutations of the residents from their interaction with the technological supports of web radio, we will trigger the thoughts of Carmen L José, Jerusa P Ferreira, Ivana Bentes and Jaílson de Souza e Silva, among other authors.


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How to Cite

Golobovante, M. (2022). Web Rádio Palafita: Which voices speak for the Dique da Vila Gilda in Santos – SP?. Boitatá, 17(33), 47–55. https://doi.org/10.5433/boitata.2022v17.e46729



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