Women's voices in the territory of cordel and cantoria
Cordel. Cantoria. Gênero. Território. Violência masculina. Violência feminina.Abstract
Post-modern critics of scriptocentrism and nowadays decolonial criticism are bringing – slowly and progressively - the new paradigm of the orality-literacy-debate to the field of repente, the Northeastern tradition of improvised poetry, in its oral (cantoria) as well as in its impressed (cordel) form. The new paradigma – historical as well as contemporary – enables us to discuss the question of women’s role and place in these traditionally masculine territories, featuring a sub-genre of this poetry, - repente misto – in which a female singer challenges a male singer. By focalizing the presence and function of male and female violence in this sub-genre, this article proposes a critical reflexion on central themes in actual debates on gender, women and violence.
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