Orality and writing: representation and conflict in Trapo de Cristovão Tezza
Novel, Orality, ConflictAbstract
Orality and writing are generally put in opposite fields.The studies of Bakhtin about novel, however, show that it can have an approach between these categories. For the Russian scholar, the novel represents in its pages an image of orality.This representation is exactly what we intend to analyze in the novel “Trapo”, by Cristovão Tezza, besides examining how the conflict orality x writing interferes in the path of the main characters.For this work, we are mainly going to use the studies of Mikhail Bakhtin and also the precious analyses of his studies developed by Irene A. Machado in the book O romance e a voz: a prosaica dialógica de M. Bakhtin.
BAKHTIN, Mikhail. Problemas da poética de Dostoiévski. Trad. Paulo Bezerra. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Forense Universitária, 1997.
MACHADO, Irene A. O romance e a voz: a prosaica dialógica de M. Bakhtin. São Paulo: Fapesp, 1995.
MOISÉS, Massaud. Dicionário de termos literários. 12. ed. rev. e ampl. São Paulo: Cultrix, 2004.
TEZZA, Cristovão. Trapo. 5. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 1995.
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