Phytogenic additive Noni (Morinda citrifolia) in feed of confined lambs
Body temperature, Idleness, Respiratory rate, Rumination.Abstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the inclusion of different levels of 0.0%; 0.7%; 1.4% and 2.1% of Noni (Morinda citrifolia) in the feeding of lambs regarding ingestive behavior and physiological variables. The experiment was carried out in a double Latin (4x4) experimental design with eight animals, consisting of four periods and four experimental rations. Eight lambs with no defined racial pattern were used, with mean initial body weight (BW) of 23.74 ± 1.00 kg. The ingestive behavior was performed during 24 hours, always on the last day of each experimental period. The physiological variables and the environmental variables were measured during three days of each period. Data were submitted for analysis of variance and, when significant, regression equation was applied at 5% of probability. Statistical analysis was performed considering the subdivision of the plot, which consisted of the diurnal and nocturnal evaluation times for the ingestive behavior and the morning and afternoon periods for the physiological variables. The inclusion of Noni in fed lambs did not change (p > 0.05) the time spent with ingestive behaviors for dry matter intake (DMI), rumination (RUM), idleness (IDL), water intake (WIN) and other activity (OAC). However, the daytime During the period there was gr eater (p < 0.05) time use for DMI, WIN and OAC. Inclusion of Noni to diets provided higher (p > 0.05) time use during the night time for RUM and IDL. The physiological variables were not influenced (p > 0.05) by the inclusion of Noni in the diets of lambs. However, higher mean (p < 0.05) body temperature of the front and rear, rectal temperature and respiratory rate of the lambs were observed during the afternoon. The inclusion of up to 2.1% of Noni in lamb feed does not alter ingestive behavior and physiological variables. However, the consumption of dry matter and water is higher during the diurnal period, while rumination and idleness are more active during the night period.Downloads
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