Chemical composition and in situ degradability of silages from dual-purpose sorghum hybrids
Crude protein, Forage conservation, Nutritive value, Sorghum bicolor.Abstract
The objective was to determine chemical composition and in situ degradability for silages of dual-purpose sorghum hybrids. Twenty-five hybrids of double-purpose sorghum were investigated in a randomized block design with three replicates. Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N), pH, chemical composition of the silage and in situ degradability were determined. Silage of the hybrids 9929012, 947216, 947030, 947254, 947072, 947252, 12F042066, 1141570 and 1141562 presented greater dry matter content, ranging from 402.9 to 470.7 g kg-1. The greatest crude protein content was presented by silages from the hybrids 9929036, 9929030, 12F042224, FEPAGRO19, FEPAGRO11, 9929026, 947030, 947072, 947252, 12F042226 and BRS Ponta Negra. The silage of hybrid 1141562 exhibited the lowest neutral detergent fiber content (588 g kg-1). The highest values of dry matter and crude protein degradability were observed in the silages of the hybrids 9929030, 947252, 947072, 12F042066 and 12F042226. The use of ensilage of the 9929030 and 12F042226 hybrids is recommended because these silages present a better chemical composition of dry matter, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber and better dry matter and crude protein degradability.Downloads
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