Cultive of queixadas, peixes-mandioca and corujinhas boideiras: the relationships between human beings, animals and maestry in indigenous land of guaporé river (Rondônia)




Indigenous ethnology., Rondônia, Human-animals relations, Classification, Nature and Culture


The indigenous land of Guaporé river, located in the southwestern of Amazon, in the state of Rondônia, constitute a multi-ethnic space and linguistic were ten indigenous community lives. Within the regional context, from the perspective of the Kujubim, group belonging to the Txapakura language family, to reflect and reveal some relationships existing between humans, animals, owner-spirits and underwater villages. In advance, it is possible to affirm that such relationships cannot be thought out of the context in which they are designed, that is, of the spaces in which they are establish, such as the village, the river, the forest and the dreams. Through diverse negotiations of these spaces and the perspectives of human beings and nonhumans habit them, the places, beings and things end up being classified according to different statutes depend on the types of relationships that are established by each other. It is in this point and context, therefore, I start from the following questions: how can the white-lipped pecary be, at the same time, animal for humans and “cultivate” for your owners? How can the fishes, which are animals for humans, can be farm products for the people of an underwater village? This is also true of the corujinhas-da-noite (little owls) that are animals, but owners and tapir comadres.

Author Biography

Gabriel Sanchez, Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCAR

Doctoral student in Social Anthropology at the Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCAR.


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How to Cite

SANCHEZ, Gabriel. Cultive of queixadas, peixes-mandioca and corujinhas boideiras: the relationships between human beings, animals and maestry in indigenous land of guaporé river (Rondônia). Mediações - Revista de Ciências Sociais, Londrina, v. 24, n. 3, p. 28–41, 2019. DOI: 10.5433/2176-6665.2019v24n3p28. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.




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