Of the future and the Strategic: an exploration of the machinic imagination, design and improvisation
imagination of the future, technologies, design, improvisation, links with the future.Abstract
The text is proposed as a reflection based on three important dimensions for a contemporary thinking of the future: the first is the relationship between the imagination of the future and digital technologies, understood as a socio-technical fabric with effects on the modes and forms of imagination; the second dimension is design, understood as a thought and an imagination that articulates production, uses and expectations about objects with general orientations around the world, thus configuring a type of link with the future; the third dimension is that of improvisation, understood as a way of acting that is organized by suspending, canceling or delaying an image of destiny, which does not start from an objective to be achieved, but from a principle in whose deployment it encounters provisional results. Although the article does not explicitly address the problem of the current political imagination – its characteristics, powers and limits – it does intend, through reflection on these ways of linking with the future, to contribute to a revision of strategic intelligence, a key element in any political orientation.Downloads
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