The political culture of 68: reflections on rtudent’s resistance in Brazil and Portugal
Students movements, Collective action, Resistance, Authoritarianism, ViolenceAbstract
The students’ movements were protagonists of collective actions in the 1960s, with emphasis on the May 1968 events. This article seeks to rethink 1968’s political culture which was founded upon various social disjunctures and resulted in an extended and decentralized understanding of politics. A review will be held on the students’ protests against the Brazilian Military Dicatorship and at the end of Estado Novo in Portugal in order to understand the dynamics of repression used to contain these protests. In both countries, the student’s mobilizations were distinguished from the ones that took place in central countries, either by their claims, either because they were permeated by relations of direct violence or symbolic violence. Finally, it is understood that the student’s resistance provided elements for an expansion of political culture which was crucial for both democratic transitions.Downloads
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