Sociological studies on childhood and gender on Brazil: the place of girls and boys in scientific publications (2010-2014)
Childhood, Girls, Gender, SociologyAbstract
This article presents notes for the sociological study of childhood and gender relations in scientific articles publishing in journals indexed in the Scielo base The chosen theoretical references dialogues at the interface of gender studies and Sociology of Childhood with emphasis on the adoption (or not) of a gender perspective. The methodology was guided by an mapping in advanced search of scientific articles from the following descriptors groups “childhood and gender” and “girls”. There were 17 articles analyzed and the results show an even shy space and with little dialogue in sociological research on childhood and gender approaches. Childhoods are considered in their clasescutouts, ethnicity/race, gender and generation, especially of adultcentrism methodologies that do not value the point of view of children.Downloads
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