Portuguese teaching National Common Curricular Core: a comparative view between the phases of elementary and high school
BNCC, Text Genres, Portuguese Language TeachingAbstract
The Brazilian National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) is a prescriptive document that guides the teaching and learning processes for the contents and skills taken as essential to the students of all the steps and modalities of basic education. Given its importance, this research aims to confront sections of the document which approach the Language area and the Portuguese Language component in the final phase of the Elementary and High School. The data interpretation, supported by documental analysis content, seeks assist in the notion of discursive/textual genres as objects of school literacies and in basic concepts for understanding the BNCC text, such as language practices, competence and skills in fields of action. The results show, among other aspects, that the High School BNCC seeks, in relation to the Elementary School, to deepen political, social, and cultural aspects allied to the social reference genres for teaching, from a more critical and autonomous approach, emphasizing the insertion of genres typical of contemporary digital literacies.Downloads
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