Crossing Worlds as an Anti-Colonial Power


  • Onório Isaias Moura UFRGS



This work aims to show, based on Davi Kopenawa's demonstration in Hutukara, grito de guerra (2021) and the book Narrativas Kaingang (2023), the contribution of indigenous peoples in the current scenario both to society as a whole and to the academic spaces. This writing brings indigenous epistemologies as an innovation in the voice of a Kaingang researcher, since its methodology is based on self-referential research into elements of its own culture. This highlights the counter-narrative based on a movement of crossing worlds, that is, the ancestral and ancient knowledge that crosses the various walls and barriers that separate the known territories from the unknown. Such borders and worlds, which are impositions of the Fóg (non-indigenous), are considered dangerous for indigenous people in the sense of participating in an intercultural experience disturbed by the hegemony of the modern Western system, which ignores both belonging to the land and the dimension of spirituality linked to non-human worlds and nature.

Author Biography

Onório Isaias Moura, UFRGS




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How to Cite

Moura, O. I. (2024). Crossing Worlds as an Anti-Colonial Power. Boitatá, 18(35), e023003.