Oral Poetics, memory-body and the rhythm from narratives of masters storytellers of traditional stories
Oral Poetics, Memory-body, Traditional storytellers.Abstract
This article argues about oral literature and its relation with memory through the voice of tradition masters, guardians of the storytelling art. The memory presented here arises from the experiences and needs of communities that also transmit them among generations. A memory liable to undergo changes generated by time and by the multiple voices that transmit it from one ear to another, from one space-time to another. The text also reflects about the importance of the body as a place of memory, engendered in its rites, rituals and narratives and comprises oral literature under new paradigmatic and epistemological perspectives. Finally, this work also focuses on understanding that it is listening to storytellers with their life narratives and traditional talesthat the reading word, understood here as the word in the world and with the world, that the knowledge transmission through oral routes happens. These masters has the important role of safeguarding and movementing historical memories and collective knowledge, building cultures and bridging the gaps that still exists, between the past and the present, between writing and orality.
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