Completing the scripture: the performance of Guadalupe’s Clown of the Folia


  • Daniel Batista Lima Borges Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP



Caipira Culture, oral narratives, performance, anagnorisis


This paper discusses possibilities of studying causos, oral narratives practiced by families of caipira origins, in order to emphasize the cultural and expressive peculiarities of a specific group of Folia de Reis active in the city of Caçapava-SP, Brazil. In this perspective, searching for resistance mechanisms seeks to investigate the ways that the Folia develops tactics to perpetuate specific knowledge of community value, that starts by reframing the biblical text and accomplishes itself in the performance of the Clown of the Folia. Therefore, it is important to discuss new possibilities of relations between literary analysis and performance, in order to consider the symbolic peculiarities' hybridism of rural communities, considering epistemological differences, in order to find recognition of new forms of oral memory upgrade.


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Author Biography

Daniel Batista Lima Borges, Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP

Master's student in Theory and Literary History at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP.


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How to Cite

Borges, D. B. L. (2013). Completing the scripture: the performance of Guadalupe’s Clown of the Folia. Boitatá, 8(15), 60–77.




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