The symbolization of imaginary in amazon and oral narratives in prayers of medicine men`s Valley Juruá




oral tales, oral prayers, symbolic imagery, shamanism, Juruá Valley


The historical formation of Juruá Valley and its population born this exploratory process of the forest, with the presence of countless Northeast. Thus, the study presented here becomes relevant because part of our culture refers only present in the memory of our elders. Prayers and oral tales are cultural events that cross time through orality. Our goal here is to understand, through interpretation, the ways that the symbolic construction crosses to represent the methods of social organization, religion, ethics and moral values present in the oral narratives and in the prayers of Juruá Valley. This paper aims at an analysis of oral literature and the prayers of the healers, while popular demonstrations and the expression of a substantial part of northeastern culture, and its influence on Amazonian culture within a broader redefinition of art and culture, a seeks to realize by analyzing the structure and content of prayers and oral narratives, stay or change of values of the culture of the migrant in contact with local cultures and their possible influence on the cultural background of these municipalities Valley Juruá from the symbolic imagery.


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Author Biography

José Júlio César do Nascimento Araújo, Universidade Federal do Acre - UFAC

Master in Regional Development at Universidade Federal do Acre - UFAC


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How to Cite

Araújo, J. J. C. do N. (2012). The symbolization of imaginary in amazon and oral narratives in prayers of medicine men`s Valley Juruá. Boitatá, 7(14), 105–126.



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