Effect of replacement of forage sorghum silage with biomass sorghum silage in diets for dairy heifers
Animal performance, BRS 716, Digestibility, Intake. Semiarid.Abstract
This trial aimed to analyze the replacement of forage sorghum silage (FS silage) with biomass sorghum silage (BRS 716 silage) in diets for heifers ¾ Holstein x ¼ Zebu on their nutrient intake and digestibility, nitrogen balance, microbial production, feeding behavior, and animal performance. Eight heifers with average age 18±4 months (mo) and average body weight (BW) 271 ± 57 kg were used. The experimental design was double-Latin square, 4×4, being four diets, four experimental periods and four animals. Four experimental diets with 0, 33, 67 and 100% substitution of forage sorghum silage with biomass sorghum silage were used. The roughage:concentrate ratio in the total dry matter (DM) of the diets was 75:25. The fraction “b” of DM was higher in the BRS 716 silage. There was no difference (p> 0.05) for dry matter intake (DMI; p = 0.45) and total digestible nutrients intake (p = 0.76). The dry matter digestibility (DMD), crude protein, ether extract and neutral detergent fiber increased linearly with the inclusion of BRS 716 silage. The feeding times, ruminating and idle have not been changed (p > 0.05). The replacement of FS silage with BRS 716 silage did not modify the average daily weight gain (ADG; p > 0.05; mean 1.30 ± 0.025 kg). Biomass sorghum silage can replace up to 100% forage sorghum silage in the diets of ¾ Holstein x ¼ Zebu heifers.Downloads
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