Applicability of management tools to the correction of weaknesses in family dairy farms in the Western Amazon
Amazonia, Dairy cattle, Diagnosis, Productivity, Profitability.Abstract
The aim of this study was to analyse the applicability of management tools associated with technical assistance to family dairy farms with the aim of identifying and correcting weaknesses. A total of 100 dairy farms located in the mesoregion of the Acre Valley, in the Western Amazon, were analysed from March 2016 to March 2017. The data used were collected via a semi-structured form containing 549 questions, through on-site observation and from the owners during the diagnosis. To define the weaknesses, a multidisciplinary team used the brainstorming management tool. The main weaknesses obtained using the GUT Matrix, in descending order, were: a lack of drinking fountains, no vaccination of all heifers against brucellosis, low body condition of cows at calving, and a calving interval longer than 12 months. Based on the ranking of the weaknesses, the research team defined the management tools to be used to correct or at least mitigate the weaknesses: PDCA, 5W2H, and/or a fishbone diagram. Among the 20 most graded weaknesses, the management tools used by the extensionist technician obtained significant results in solving the problems. It was concluded that it is possible to adapt and apply the management tools used in other activities to dairy farming and that they can be used continuously for management or specifically to establish a plan or project.Downloads
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