Control and resistance of work in the productive capital restructuring at automotive sector




Technology, Class relation, Automobile sector


The objective of this article is to discuss technological and organizational innovation and implications for workers and trade-unions at automotive sector during the 90’s. We understand that innovation technology is linked with the class relation in the capitalism system and involve news forms of control of capital about labour and changing the dynamic class relations in the capitalism.

Author Biography

Fabiane Santana Previtalli, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU

PhD in Social Sciences from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas  - UNICAMP. Professor at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU.


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How to Cite

PREVITALLI, Fabiane Santana. Control and resistance of work in the productive capital restructuring at automotive sector. Mediações - Revista de Ciências Sociais, Londrina, v. 11, n. 1, p. 125–146, 2006. DOI: 10.5433/2176-6665.2006v11n1p125. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.


